left hand

Thumb Tension? Don’t Blame Your Thumb!

Thumb Tension? Don’t Blame Your Thumb!

Every good violin teacher encourages their students to keep a relaxed left thumb, which gently counter-balances the action of the fingers. And every good violin student takes this to heart, trying to keep it relaxed. But what if it won’t give up its grip? What if it takes all of your attention to get it to relax ... but as soon as you focus on something else it clamps down again? The cause might lie elsewhere.

3 Tips to Find Your Natural Vibrato

3 Tips to Find Your Natural Vibrato

Vibrato is something a lot of developing violinists struggle with. It seems so effortless when done well, but it can sure feel like a lot of work to develop. Some violinists claim it can’t be taught – each violinist just has to figure it out. Some teach it by going into great detail about every aspect of arm vibrato, wrist vibrato, finger vibrato, width, and speed ... not to mention finger pressure, finger angle, thumb placement, and more. The truth is probably somewhere in between.